Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Passing of a Great Artist

Today I lost a very special, lifelong friend and mentor.   Since before I can remember, Betty Nissen was  a driving influence on my creativity.  She was my "other mother", and as Jim has termed her, she was my "Spiritual Godmother".   This is a photo that was taken of her in 1976, in Hawaii.   Of all the photos in our old family albums, this is the one that to me expresses what I connected with the most in her personality... her sassy, relaxed, creative fire.  I will so miss this beautiful lady.

For those of you who've missed my regular postings, I apologize...  I found Facebook, and have been catching up many "friends" with the creativity you've all been sharing already!  When I finish creating my business Facebook page, I will link you to it.   I've been in denial for a long time as to what a powerful tool Facebook is!


  1. Elsbeth,

    So sorry to read about your loss. Betty looks like a really fun and feisty woman. I too had a mentor, her name was Beth and I still draw from her wisdom and her love.

    1. Thanks so much for your kind sentiments, Joyce. What a gift it is to have that mentor! I hope to be that for at least one of my grandchildren, but they have to make that decision, not me.
