Monday, December 29, 2014

Again With The Manresa Castle

Before long I'll be able to have a show of my own, entirely hung with Manresa studies.  Let's hope not. It's just so convenient when Jim is getting his allergy shots.  This time of year, I don't even have to leave the car, just re-park a little after Jim goes into the clinic, so I can have a better view.  Lord knows you don't want me to be sketching and posting the tailgate of the '67 Chevy pickup truck parked in front of our Prius.  Or maybe you do!  If I don't start posting something else, you all may just quit holding your breath for yet another Manresa Castle sketch.  But I do love making those tower contours, as well as the mysterious dark windows.  And the shadows of the stark, bare tree against the very old brick wall.  Must admit, though, I gotta get a new gig.  Maybe one day I'll check into one of the haunted rooms, and sketch!


  1. I love your Manresa Castle work. Keep on doing them!

    1. Thanks, Buzz! It is a fascinating piece of architecture.
